The attitude of the Albanian State towards the Albanians of Kosovo in 1918-1941

Ylli Hashani1*

1 Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Education, University “Isa Boletini”, Mitrovica, Kosovo


In this paper, it is presented what was the attitude of the Albanian State towards the dispossessed and how much it managed to systematize them in Albania. After all the research and findings about the way Albanians displacement,  a treatment has been made of the attitude that the Albanian state had followed and its role towards the displaced and also the way they are organized in Albania, in which areas, in which regions, and also the way of treatment that was given to the Albanians who moved from their countries to the mother country Albania. The State of Albanians to come to the aid of these immigrants, managed to design the legal infrastructure by approving several laws in the 20s, especially the Decree Law on the Settlement of Immigrants of 1931. Likewise, during these years, the Albanian State was also interested in the condition of those who were outside its borders and engaged in various ways to help them.

Keywords: Albanian State, ethnic cleansing, immigration, resettlement.

Volume 7.No.1(2023): April – (Humanities Session)

ISSN 2661-2666 (Online) International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM)
ISSN 2661-264X (Print)

DOI : 10.33807/monte.20232812


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