Correction and Retraction Policy

Correction Policy

Any inaccuracies in published papers that are significant to science should be reported. The editors of ISJM have the right to review any modifications.

Any modifications made after publication that affect the scientific interpretation (such as those made to a misleading section of an otherwise trustworthy publication, errors in figures or data that have no bearing on the conclusions, or the addition of methodological information that was lacking previously) are announced using a Correction. This is a distinct publication with a link to the revised original paper. Additionally, a notice informing readers that an updated version has been posted will be included in the article information page and the abstract page.

Retraction Policy 

International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM) applies COPE’s retraction guidelines for it’s retraction policy.

Sometimes it’s necessary to completely omit a piece of research literature from the body of literature. This might be the result of unintentional mistakes committed during the study process, flagrant ethical violations, data fabrication, extensive plagiarism, or other factors. Such articles must be retracted because they jeopardize the accuracy of scientific records. With the assistance of the Editorial Board and ultimate approval from the Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Office thoroughly investigates any potential retractions. As required, other people and organizations, such as academic leaders or subject-matter experts, will be consulted. The original publication will be updated with a “RETRACTED” watermark when a retraction is published, although it remains accessible on the journal’s website for future use. Retracted articles, however, should not be quoted or used for additional study because they cannot be trusted. Retractions are published as a separate article in the current issue of the journal under the same authorship and affiliation as the article being retracted, with page numbers appended. In this manner, the Retraction can be noted in the indexing databases after the issue is published. When results are just partially incorrect, partial retraction notices may be published. Only in extremely rare situations, such as those in which leaving a paper online would be illegal or likely to cause serious harm, will it be totally erased.


Important results that were mistakenly left out of the original publication, such as further affiliation or clarification of a method or study, can be included as an Addendum to the original article.
The Addendum will be displayed in the journal’s most recent edition, with article numbers added. The original publication will also have a hyperlink to the Addendum. With this in mind, the original article published will not be updated.


The publication of Errata should be done for formatting changes that are pertinent to science or for authorship adjustments when an author who deserves to be an author has been left off the list or someone who doesn’t fit the criteria has been added. Missing or unclear numbers, mistakes made during proofreading, or other formatting difficulties that call for an Erratum could all be related to science (missing text)). A minor inaccuracy (such as a grammar mistake) that has no impact on the reading or meaning is not eligible for an erratum. The final draft should be properly checked by all authors through proofreading.

Expression of Concern

An Expression of Concern may be issued in cases that are intricate, protracted, or inconclusive. An editor of ISJM may publish an Expression of Concern, outlining the areas of concern and what steps, if any, are being taken, in cases when investigations into claimed or suspected research misconduct have not yet been completed or turn out to be inconclusive.