Ejup Rustemi1* Mefail Tahiri2
1University of Tetova, North Macedonia
2University of Tetova, North Macedonia


In the past, digital literacy was considered a skill that was advantageous for career readiness, particularly for higher-paying occupations related to technology. However, in recent years, it has come to be recognized as an increasingly important life skill. Digital literacy is still important for professional readiness; but, it is also essential for education and socializing, and it is also becoming more ingrained in day-to-day activities such as having a smart home system and security system, banking, shopping, driving, and using the capabilities of vehicles, among other things. It is possible that the media, information channels, and the pervasiveness of the internet may give the idea that the digital age has transformed everyone into a media user and that the digital can be found everywhere, including in educational institutions. The impression that this is the case is not accurate, and schools are the major exception to this rule. The one and only area where it is vitally necessary to educate future citizens to comprehend, to criticize, and to generate information is in the student’s educational institution. In order to actively engage in their community, a digital citizen must initiate and maintain a continuous practice of critical thinking throughout their academic journey. This is the sole method to accomplish this objective.

Keywords: digital literacy, information literacy, digital services, data, media.


When the word “literacy” is used by itself, it often refers to the ability to read and write; however, when the word “digital” is added to the word “literacy,” the phrase embraces a large number of additional domains.

There is no doubt that reading and writing continue to play a significant role at the core of digital literacy. But because of the new and ever-evolving ways in which people use technology to receive and convey information, digital literacy also involves a wider variety of skills. These skills include anything from reading on a Kindle to determining the credibility of a website to making and uploading films on YouTube. Because the phrase encompasses such a wide range of talents, some professionals choose to avoid using it altogether. Instead, they choose to focus their attention on specific abilities that lie at the confluence of technology and literacy.

According to the definition provided by the task force on digital literacy that is part of the American Library Association, “Digital literacy is the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, which requires both cognitive and technical skills.”


Volume 9, No.2 (2024): April

ISSN 2661-2666 (Online) International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM)
ISSN 2661-264X (Print)

DOI : 10.33807/monte.20243133


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