Challenges and dilemmas of the transformation of electrical energy from thermal to alternative energy in Kosovo

Prof. Asst. Dr. Mustafë Kadriaj

College of Business, Pristina, Republic of Kosovo

Dr. Sc. Albana Jeminaj

Infinite Academy Institute Kosovo, Republic of Albania


Former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said at the Rio Earth Summit in 2012: “The road ahead is long and difficult.” Sustainable development represents social development, which meets current needs, without harming the needs of future generations. In this respect, energy and the environment are essential factors of social development. Coal in Kosovo is the primary resource, respectively the primary producer of mechanical and electrical energy, at the same time today it is the most encouraging source for sustainable energy production in the conditions of the Republic of Kosovo. The search for finding, developing, and using energy from other renewable sources is constantly encouraged. Using various wastes and discharges of an organic nature serves to balance the need for thermal energy (heat) and electricity in the energy sector.

Keywords: Electricity, Alternative energy, Sustainable development, and Environment


Volume 7. No.2(2023): April – (Social Sciences Session)

ISSN 2661-2666 (Online) International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM)
ISSN 2661-264X (Print)

DOI : 10.33807/monte.20232838


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