Publishers and their publication practices: the case of Bulgarian indexed journals

Yulia Nedelcheva

South-West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

Miroslav Nedelchev

Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria


The objective of this paper is to reveal details of publishers and their publication practices. The research scope includes all 81 Bulgarian journals which have an impact factor/ranking in the database of Scopus and Web of Science. Data from the academic staff of the National Centre for Information and Documentation were used.

The results of the research revealed that the publication practices of Bulgarian-indexed journals are comparable to international good practices. The national publication practices are a consequence of the external environment – due to new legislation for the academic career of researchers and the implementation of international publication norms by local journals. The present research is the first for Bulgaria and because of its pioneering nature, there is no basis for data comparison and tracking of dynamics.


  • The data by UNESCO do not confirm Bulgarian policy for significant participation in science and presence in world achievements.
  • The publishers of Bulgarian-indexed journals are focused predominantly on competitive scientific fields.
  • The modern publication practices of Bulgarian-indexed journals have reached the level of international good practices because of the legislation for the academic career of researchers and the entry of international publishers.

Keywords: Scopus, Web of Science, publication ethics, publication cycle


Volume 7.No.1(2023): April – (Humanities Session)

ISSN 2661-2666 (Online) International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM)
ISSN 2661-264X (Print)

DOI : 10.33807/monte.20232817


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