The revival of the teaching process in Albanian schools after the difficult situation of the Covid 19

Subtopic: Increasing the Teacher’s Role and Performance in Class


University Ismail Qemali,  Department of Letters and Albanian  Language, Branch  of Vlora,

Teacher of school 24 Maji, Vlora, Albania


 This paper’s research provides the rationale for policymakers to invest in school leadership policy. Nowadays, teachers need to continuously improve themselves professionally in order to keep abreast of the latest trends, teaching approaches, and techniques in the education field. Definitely, keeping up-to-date and relevant is key to address adequately students’ learning needs and helping them reach successfully their full potential. We use the term teacher performance to define the observable outcomes in the classroom of this training and development or lack of it. That is, it is the set of actions, attitudes, and behaviors in the teaching-learning environment that results in achieving educational goals for students. Simply put, what a teacher does, or does not do, in the classroom impacts hugely on how effectively students advance in their learning process. Therefore, we cannot stress enough the immense influence that a teacher’s performance has on students’ academic success or failure.

It describes the focus of this study, the importance of school leadership, and the major challenges countries face in school leadership policy. Effective school leadership is essential to improve teaching and learning within each school and to connect the individual school to the outside world.

Education is a process by which human beings and societies reach their fullest potential. Education is critical for promoting sustainable development and improving the capacity of people to address environmental and development issues. It is also critical for achieving environmental and ethical awareness, values, and skills consistent with sustainable development and effective public participation in decision-making. Appropriate policies and measures could then be adopted to address problems of grade repetition and drop-out as well as bottlenecks with regard to retention in school.

In recent years, the workload of school leaders has expanded and intensified as a result of increased school autonomy and accountability for learning outcomes. As the expectations of what schools should achieve have changed dramatically, countries are seeking to develop new forms of leadership better suited to respond to the needs of rapidly evolving societies.

This study is designed to serve as an open, active platform for participants to share, collaborate and co-create new ideas, approaches, methodologies, and best practices. The multi-stakeholder approach and structure of the conference will make it possible for participants to organize or participate in special sessions dedicated to in-depth exploration of specific topics ranging from subject content, pedagogy, and learning technologies to social and economic impact on issues such as employment, skills development, business development, innovation, social power, citizenship, cultural diversity, personal development, and individuality.

Keywords: Teacher performance, Teaching role, Developing Potential,   Albanian teachers and children, class, school program, Attractive profession,

 JEL Classification System: S1, S3, S8, N0, N1, N2, N3

Volume 7.No.1(2023): April – (Humanities Session)

ISSN 2661-2666 (Online) International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM)
ISSN 2661-264X (Print)

DOI : 10.33807/monte.20232806


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