Ph.D. Ylvije (BORIÇI) KRAJA1
Academician Prof. Dr. Elez OSMANI2

Authors country of origin: Albania1, Montenegro2
Institutional affiliation:
1Professor at the University of “LuigjGurakuqi”, Faculty of Economy, Department of Business Administration, 2Professor at the University of “LuigjGurakuqi”, Faculty of Economy, Department of Finance.


Nowadays, while COVID 19 pandemic is spreading rapidly, one of the challenges of small and medium enterprises is how to survive and to sustain being successful. SMEs are more sensitive to changes from pandemic, crises, and react faster than large enterprises. This situation has evolved in many small and medium enterprises, their owners, managers, employers, employees and customers. It is important to highlight that they stand together, not only during the pandemic situation, but they will always understand the situation with their businesses, and rapidly assess the value of things. It has been clear, for at least 30 years, the challenges that Albanian’s SMEs face in competing with the rest of the enterprises in the region and further on.

Small and medium enterprises, in order to survive, must be innovative, flexible, creative and eagerly adjustable to new changes, just to be able to succeed. It is important to underline that SMEs values drive business and encourage everyone to achieve goals.

The main objective was to explore the impact of values created by managers, by employees and using high technology in the SMEs success. To evaluate how important, it is when businesses have some sort of values that make them successful and go beyond what competitors possess.

Findings contribute to a better understanding of values created on SMEs. They are clearly visible for businesses and demonstrate the necessities of knowing and evaluating factors that raise values. Findings have some practical implication for managers. Some conclusions and recommendations are given to the representatives of businesses and even to the researchers. Managers should be sensitive toward values created by them in everyday work. From an academic standpoint, findings showed that value played a significant role in success of the SMEs.

Key words: value, value creation, chain value, SMEs, customers.

Volume 5.No.2(2021): December (Social Sciences)

ISSN 2661-2666 (Online) International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM)
ISSN 2661-264X (Print)

DOI : 10.33807/monte.202120

DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.33807/monte.202120

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