Prof. Asst. Dr. Theranda Beqiri1, M.Sc. Arbërora Haxhija2

Authors country of origin: Kosovo1/2
Institutional affiliation: 1Assistant Professor at the University of Haxhi Zeka, Faculty of Business, 2Agency for Western Regional Development
Email address:, arbë


The main purpose of this paper is to present the investments made so far and the impact of these investments on the development of human capacities. This paper will also identify the potentials and needs for further development of human resources in both formal education and vocational training. It is important that the population of Kosovo is well prepared for Kosovo’s integration into the European Union so that future investments are oriented towards sustainable development through long-term investment policies and strategies. Although there are some reforms in Higher education still many reforms are needed to be implemented also in primary and secondary education. There is a need for skills that match the labor market needs and creation and development of these skills depends mainly on the quality of the education system, its relationship with the labor market, the conditions in which people work in the labor market, but also the opportunities to gain skills through vocational trainings or further educations.. Vocational training is very low, while at least a quarter of vocational schools do not offer internships in or out of school. Enterprises have no incentives to hire interns and in educational institutions there are limited career guidance although we found that  grants have had their impact in higher education in improving the policies and curriculum development in each level of educations  and through different trainings of teachers in primary and secondary schools. We find that although there is a high level of grants in education sector , a lot of resources are still needed to enhance the education quality in all levels , there is a need of infrastructure and increased improvement in curricula that than impacts in the increased quality of education.

Key words; Grants, Education,, Curricula ,  Strategy, Training, , EU,

Volume 3.No.1(2020): April

ISSN 2661-2666 (Online) International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM)
ISSN 2661-264X (Print)

DOI : 10.33807/monte.202004675


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