Mario Ҫurçija1, Emirjeta Bejleri2
Authors country of origin: Albania1/2
Institutional affiliation: 1/2Faculty of Economy at the University of Shkoder, Albania
Migratory movements as an individual or collective relocation from a place of origin to a place of destination represent a milestone in a person’s life because it implies withdrawal from two important places in a person’s life: residence and work.
The phenomenon of migration affects the demographics of the areas involve: shrinking populations in areas of origin and increasing in destination areas. Given that the causes of migration may be different, in this paper we focus on factors related to job opportunity as determinants of the decision to migrate. In this paper, our aim is to evaluate the relationship between the number of the population residents in a district and the job opportunities in that district in Albania. To perform this analysis we use quantitative methods: the logit and the multinomial logit regression models based on a dataset of labor force survey for the period 2007-2013 in Albania. In this research we found a positive correlation between the increase in the number of residents in a district and job opportunities in activities different from agriculture, and, in particular the positive effect on job opportunities is higher than the average for women who have attained general education secondary school.
Keywords: job opportunities, demographic trend, transitional economies, Albania
JEL Classification: J10, J20, J61,
Volume 3.No.1(2020): April
ISSN 2661-2666 (Online) International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM)
ISSN 2661-264X (Print)
DOI : 10.33807/monte.202004669
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