PhD Slobodan Nešković

University Bussiness Academy in Novi Sad

Abstract: The economic context of organic  agricultural holdings and conglomerats includes several parameters and postulates of importance for economic operators and the country. Organic agriculture has many advantages over conventional especially in the area of human health which affirms the commitment of agricultural production. Organic agriculture is associated with the multifunctional character of agriculture and to the preservation of villages, traditions, folk culture, traditional crafts, rural tourism and special type ie. eco-tourism. Consumers underdeveloped awareness, the underdeveloped market, low demand and low standard of living, high prices of control and certification, lack of use of pesticides, are just some of the many problems faced by manufacturers in this field of agriculture. Serbia has significant resources for development of agricultural production, which represents the country’s export opportunity.

Key words: Economy, organic agriculture, farms, food, Serbia;


The main problem of this study is to analyze the importance of organic production, both in the modern world and in our country. The protection and enforcement of innovation as indispensable factors and sources of the creation of agricultural development is a prerequisite of competitive advantage in modern organic agriculture.

The subject of this research is conjunctive relationship between organic production and overall national economic development and competitive advantages in the modern world. Competitive advantage, and consequently agricultural development does not exist outside the framework of globalized maket, at the same time closely associated with intellectual capital and innovation process and their strategic management. Given the importance of agriculture to the economic development of the country aim of this research is the description of the direct connections and conditioning of organic production and quality management in sector of agriculture in Serbia.

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of the development of organic farming, production and innovation in organic farming are there in the realization of the development of agriculture and hence competitiveness in the globalized market conditions.

Volume 6.No.2(2022): April – (Social Sciences Session)

ISSN 2661-2666 (Online) International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM)
ISSN 2661-264X (Print)

DOI : 10.33807/monte.20222582


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