Impact of Engineering Equipment for Quality Management

Prof. Asst. Dr. Hazir HAJDARI1*,

Prof. Asst. Dr. Besnik HAJDARI2
1*Business College, Republic of Kosovo

Faculty of Emergency Management

Responsible for the Master program


2Isa Boletini University Mitrovica, Republic of Kosovo

Faculty of Mechanical and Computer Engineering



Through this paper it is intended to analyze the managerial level and its impact on the products of engineering equipment. The elements that push the production of products using engineering equipment are: presentation of human needs for material goods, analysis of demand and needs, knowledge of the means for their realization, organizational and managerial skills in production, as well as production, sales and product distribution considering meeting customer need. All this procedure therefore has its origin in a request or “problem”, and the result should bring the most adequate solution without misuse of resources. This following topic addresses four key points, which are: (a) Legal businesses and business classifications, (b) Legal application in business management, (c) Business economics of productive organizations and (d) Quality management and classification in engineering products


Productivity is one of the most important stages of economization. It must meet as fully as possible the human, personal and general needs, which are ever-increasing. Thus, productivity has simultaneously become a condition for the existence of people and human societies, and a major carrier of prosperity and social progress.

In order for production to be able to respond as accurately and easily as possible to the requirements and tasks that are set, the need has arisen for a theoretical and practical study of production issues. As productivity is the interest of social activity, it must be studied comprehensively, to find its features, to follow and analyze the directions of its development, as well as to determine the laws of its most successful development with volume in the direction it has taken.

The study of all these problems should be done as comprehensively as possible, with the participation of experts of all profiles and on a scientific basis. For a more detailed analysis of all the problems of economics, and thus of productivity, in the first place should be engaged economic sciences. However, in addition to economic sciences, no less important task in studying and finding the orientation of the further development of social economics and thus production have other sciences such as social and legal sciences, as well as natural and technical sciences and art. . Among the social and economic sciences, which directly or indirectly have to deal with research and study of economic developments and thus short-term or long-term social needs, which also nurture the orientation of economization, undoubtedly occupy an important place in the sciences of economic policy. Economic policy must study the laws of social development and must provide the most appropriate forms of interconnection between productive forces and productive relations, including the social economy from every point of view.

In the modern economy, among the many problems that require adequate solutions, a special place is occupied by issues such as those related to social reproduction (social reproduction). Among them as the most relevant for our studies here are the problems, namely issues related to production (technical and economic part of business), and then other issues related to production, such as: distribution, exchange and spending. New forms of economic activity of the company are developed through separate organizational units called economic enterprises, respectively economic organizations.

Volume 6.No.2(2022): April – (Social Sciences Session)

ISSN 2661-2666 (Online) International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM)
ISSN 2661-264X (Print)

DOI : 10.33807/monte.20222535


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