Nominal Infinitive Subordinate Clauses in English and their Albanian Correspondents

Prof. Ass. Dr. Teuta Agaj Avdiu

Authors country of origin: Kosovo
Institutional affiliation: Associate Professor at the Public University of “Kadri Zeka “
Email address:


The distinction between independent (or main) clauses and dependent (or subordinate) clauses is fundamental to an understanding of English clause structure. Related to the distinction between these two kinds of clauses, clauses may be finite with a full verb phrase that has “tense” and can be either main or subordinate and non-finite that have the internal structure of sentences without having a full complete verb phrase and are always subordinate. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to analyse and compare the differences and similarities of the nominal functions of infinitive subordinate clauses between English and Albanian languages. The analysis is done from the English grammar books to present the structures and functions of English nominal infinitive clauses. A grammatical description is presented. The comparison is done from three English novels and their translated versions in Albanian in order to find out the similarities and differences between the English and Albanian languages. The nominal infinitive clauses are selected from the English novels and their correspondents are searched for in the Albanian translations. This contrastive analysis has proven that the number of differences over rules the number of similarities.


Dependent clause, non-finite clause, nominal function, infinitive clause.

Volume 5.No.1(2021): December (Humanities Session)

ISSN 2661-2666 (Online) International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM)
ISSN 2661-264X (Print)

DOI : 10.33807/monte.20212020


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