M.A. Leonora Bruçaj
Authors country of origin: Kosovo
Institutional affiliation: Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”
Ibrahim Rugova looked at the poetic literary work in the complexity of theoretical and practical realization, in the totality of the functioning and acceptance of the work and its aesthetic impact on the recipient. Seeing and studying the literary work as an open and complex phenomenon, Rugova researched the connotative-semantic aspect, as a result of the special linguistic-poetic structuring, thus observing what a literary work can mean, especially the form and the way it is said. Within this contemplation of the literary work and the complex process of its shaping, Rugova implemented his own system of opinion, application and realization. Good knowledge of literary theory and practice helped him accomplish this. His opinion on some literary phenomena and especially on some of the most important works of Albanian literature, such as those of Xoxa, Kadare, Podrimja, etc., does not appear to be imposing a priori. The depth and conciseness of his opinion derive from the conception, organization, extrication – analysis of the phenomena which he considers. The author does not say and does not intentionally force the assertion with rhetorical expressions, but he does so through consistent opinion, as a result of prior devotional study and analysis.
Rugova is the rare Albanian model of the scholar formed in the Paris school, as a follower of Janet and Bart, contextualized with European contemporaneity as a modern voice of Paris school, but, before arriving here, he was a continuer of the National Renaissance, as a cultural and political resistance, which, constrained by historical circumstances, was forced to remain current in Kosovo which demanded freedom and statehood.
In his studies, Ibrahim Rugova always leaves the possibility of observing the phenomena from other points of view, even the ones that are different from what he does. This happens because the literary work is observed as a phenomenon that everyone reads and communicates in their own way, depending on the level of theoretical preparation and knowledge of literary practice, receptive aesthetics, but also beyond it.
Keywords: Rugova, Albanian literary work, theory, Bart, poetic, literature
Volume 4.No.1(2021): April (Humanities Session)
ISSN 2661-2666 (Online) International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM)
ISSN 2661-264X (Print)
DOI : 10.33807/monte.20211848
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.33807/monte.20211848
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