International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM) utilizes double-blind peer review to ensure impartiality, unbias, and a professional evaluation of the reviewed journal. Peer review is the evaluation of scholarly articles by the editors of the editorial board and the reviewer board to determine the quality of the journal under review. This process ultimately decides if the journal under review is a great fit for the journal in which the author has applied for publication.
Throughout the double-blind peer review process, both the identity of authors and reviewers remains anonymous. To achieve this level of anonymity, it is essential that the authors that are submitting their scholarly articles for evaluation, conceal their identities in such a way that the reviewer does not recognize the author whose work is being evaluated. This needs to be done to ensure the abovementioned impartiality, unbias, and professionalism during the review process.
To attain this level of anonymity effectively, ISJM recommends all of the authors that wish to publish in ISJM to abide by the Double Anonymized Peer Review Guidelines as stated by Elsevier.
The Editor In Chief, Editorial board, and Language Board first evaluate all manuscripts. Those rejected at this stage display significant flaws in the following:
- originality (insufficiently original)
- academic and scientific flaws
- show poor use of English grammar
- are outside the aims and scope of International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM).
Those that meet the minimum criteria are passed on to experts from the Reviewer board for review (at least 2 experts). Authors of manuscripts rejected at this stage will be informed within 2-3 weeks of receipts. After the scholarly articles are passed for peer-review, the reviewers add their professional comments for the editor in charge of the article to take under consideration. At this stage, while taking into account the reviewer’s comments the editors continue with their decisions of whether to publish the scholarly article or not. The author is notified in due time. Typically the manuscript will be reviewed in a period of 2 months.
The International Scientific Journal Monte (ISJM) conducts an external peer-review procedure.
If the scholarly article scores higher than 15% in the plagiarism detection software immediate rejection of the article will be done and no further assessment of the article will be made.